
Legal & Estate Guidance

Unfortunately, the death of a family member can not only bring unbearable sadness; it can also bring legal and estate related issues to the forefront. Of course, we're not lawyers which means we're not the right people to advise you on the legal specifics of your situation but we can offer you some of the insights we've gained during our time in funeral service. 

We hope that the following pages offer guidance and assistance with your legal and estate related questions. Should you have more questions after reading the content here, please do not hesitate to call us.

Legal Advice

The death of a loved one can mean that you will need to find an attorney to help with the process of estate settlement. While it isn't necessary to have an attorney prepare an advance directive, it can be advantageous to have one prepare your will or any other estate-related documents.

Estate Settlement

Sometimes estate settlement is one of the hardest aspect of dealing with the death of a family member. This doesn't have to be the case if proper preparation of all estate documents took place prior to the death. If you have the services of an experienced estate lawyer at your disposal, there can be even less worry and strife.

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